선교지 소식

[스리랑카] 선교지 소식 2023.1-5월

I sincerely give thanks to you and your church for helping me to do this work of God. Because of your support and prayer, I am doing this wonderful work of God. Thank you very much for participate with me for this work of God. May God remember you and your church, turn His face toward you, and bless you continually. I sincerely request for prayers for Sri-Lankan people to have fellowship with Jesus and to know Jesus Christ as their God and savior. IF God allows, I expect and hope that  jesuwon church  will visit sri Lanka..

Sunday services are scheduled many area of my region full service was conducted. The spiritual growth of members is more convinced.  To churches are handling on Sunday. We are living in remote area so there is not have transport. Especially on Sunday.


What you are doing for the Gospel in the quarter:

Mission works:  Every Saturday prayer meeting and Wednesday healing service, Sunday services are scheduled. In many house-churches of my province we started. Full service conducted. The spiritual growth of members is more convinced. These days many members are spiritually down. Therefore, we are to go many times to visit them. Some time we are face many dangers situation, because of Elephants.

Projects :

  • Visiting very poor area where house churches are and share the good news with them.

  • Visiting Hospital

  • Those who come from Korea visit their houses and share Good news with them.

  • Visiting our members and teach them the Bible

  • Teaching the Bible in Colombo area. Korean teams come to sri lanka. Help them with Translate Korean to Sinhala language.

Performances etc.  Thru my works of evangelism, first, I equip Sir Lankan people grow with the Word of God. Second, I teach to them the way to totally depend on God. Third, I train them to know the way to grow in Love and Faith. Without any fear, face the many difficulties and challenges.

     Our difficulties or sufferings in our mission works: it is hard to share Good news in our area. Most of the resident in our province are Buddhist. Therefore, in many ways we face difficulties and suffering. Even Buddhist people and Elephants. Though people want to know Jesus, they are afraid of monks. So nowadays, it is very hard for us to share Good news. New president is appointed and new law is present. Sri Lanka will be remained as Buddhist country. so main Churches will only be permitted to worship. Christian house Churches will remove.  Please we need your prayer more than before. Elephants are harassing us these days, they are on our way. These day one of mega church pastor preach in his church about salvation. In his preaching he boldly says every Buddhist people ,Muslim and Hindus people need Jesus.  So they all are become crazy and ask government to arrest him. after preaching he went to Dubai for conference. So now sri lankan people are very angry with Christians. We are in under persecution.  Please we need more prayer supports.

My life: I want to share Good News with people even in these kinds of danger. I need many prayer support as well as finance. Please pray for my health.

Graceful episodes in your mission works Etc:  we face many persecutions from the outside, God called his real people to the Lord through family matter. Also, this is the problem inside the body of Christ. A woman leader in our church started extra-marital relationship with a church member. He is married man. So we face these day very difficult period. But the wife of that man still trusts God. This is the beautiful answer of our prayers. Her problem now is getting worst. Husband wants to divorce. Please pray for   this matter.  This matter getting worst. That man is not coming home at all. He lives with that woman. We need more prayer.

You can add other stories concerning your mission works even about your family and your church members

My family members are not believers, but I thank God they are sees God thru me. I give thanks to God our church members are very poor and they are coming from very remote area to church.

 Prayer points

  1  Please pray for construction our church. We need government to release agreement of my house document.  Because of my house, 2nd floor is planning to make church. Government need to release agreement paper document. We start 3rd of April Construction of the church Roof with slab.  We need more support for church wall and partitions and to get electricity,

  1. People in our congregation are to be good believers

  2. Please Pray Triumph (overcome) persecution. Please pray for me for my health . I got accident by motorbike. Please pray for sri lank .

  3. please pray for my bus. I need to pay every month 250 dollar for finance company. These days no        hire for bus.

  4. please pray for the rest of the half-finished church building to be completed

  5. please pray for our country to be GOD controlling country.

  6. please pray for our village area. Our area is strong Buddhist people living. They must open their eyes and heart for Jesus.  Bakamuna , Nikapitiya, Aththanakadawala And Elahera region.
